This Is Why Your Network Is So Slow

Top view of frustrated businessman working on computer at desk with paperwork in home office.

Slow network connection can be so annoying, especially when you are working from home. Sometimes, you may detect these problems by yourself and fix them, or you may need help from IT services near you to get it done.

Many factors can make your internet slow. Here we’ve compiled a list of possible causes for your slow speeds. 

Computer Viruses

A computer virus can cause permanent damage to your device and its network speeds. When a computer is infected with a virus, it installs a foreign code in the computer. This code then spreads by sending copies of itself via email. 

Some viruses rapidly multiply themselves by sending out hundreds of email messages per minute. They leave the computer with weak computing power and a poor internet connection. It is difficult to tell when viruses are active, so it’s good to leave your antivirus software running at all times.

Browser Add-Ons

Browser add-ons can be another cause for a slow network connection. These are programs displayed on your browser’s toolbar, such as multimedia add-ons, search bars, or other programs. Many browser add-ons can enhance your surfing experience by allowing you to view multimedia or specialized documents.

However, add-ons can make your internet connection slow down. If you think add-ons are slowing down your browser, try opening it in add-ons disabled mode. You can only disable add-ons for the session. 

If your performance improves, you can consider turning them off permanently using the add-on manager. To activate the add-on manager on your web browser, click the tools icon and then manage add-ons.

Slow VPNs

A virtual private network (VPN) is software that encrypts data transmissions between your device and servers while also masking your IP address. You have the option of paying for a VPN or using the free service. 

The paid options are generally faster. However, since you are using a relay for traffic, they can still slow down your internet. It can also be slow if you use it during peak hours when there is congestion.

To fix this problem, try different location options that your VPN offers. Not all VPNs are equal, and the speeds available might vary significantly. Be careful when using free VPNs since you might have to sacrifice your data, security, or speed.


If you’re experiencing a slow network connection, someone else may be using your internet account. Most routers come with a default password, and it is advisable to change it. Ensure the password is strong with a combination of complex characters by mixing numbers and letters. 

If you change it to something weak or leave the hotspot open, others can access your network without your permission. This increases traffic in your home network, which ultimately leads to slower internet speeds. 

Crowded Channels

WiFi channels facilitate the sending and receiving of data over the internet. If you have too many connections, the transmission will slow down. However, you may switch to less congested channels depending on the type of router you are using.

To analyze your WiFi channels, you can use Android or iOS apps. These apps will help you identify the devices connected to your network.

Lack of Enough Horsepower

Determining the amount of speed you need in a business is essential. This depends on how many people are using the internet and what they are using it for. They may be using it to stream music or simply for browsing, and they both require different amounts of speed.

Outdated Devices

Using older, outdated devices can significantly contribute to a slow network connection. As technology advances, newer devices are designed to take advantage of faster internet speeds and improved network protocols while old devices may not be compatible with these advancements, causing them to operate at slower speeds.

Additionally, components in older devices may wear out over time, making them less efficient at processing data. This inefficiency can lead to a bottleneck, slowing down your overall network. Regularly updating your devices ensures optimal performance and faster network speeds.

Weak WiFi Signal

WiFi signals can be weakened by distance, physical obstructions such as walls or furniture, and interference from other electronic devices. When your device is too far from the router or if there are obstacles between your device and the router, the WiFi signal strength decreases, leading to slow connection speeds.

Additionally, other devices such as microwaves, cordless phones, or neighboring WiFi networks can interfere with your WiFi signal, causing it to drop or slow down your network speed significantly. To resolve this, consider moving your device closer to the router, removing potential obstructions, or changing your WiFi channel to avoid interference.

Surpassed Data Cap

Your internet service provider (ISP) may limit your data usage for a certain period. If you have surpassed this cap, it means that you’ll be charged extra money for any further usage or that your speeds will be significantly decreased. To avoid this, monitor your data usage and switch to an unlimited or higher data plan if necessary.

Slow Upload and Download Speeds

Slow upload and download speeds can be another culprit behind a sluggish network. The lower the upload/download rate, the slower your network becomes. It’s important to remember that numerous online activities, such as streaming video, online gaming, video conferencing, and uploading large files, can be heavily impacted by slow upload and download speeds.

Various factors contribute to slow data transfer speeds, including the type of connection, network congestion, and limitations set by your internet service provider. There may be too many devices connected to the network using up the bandwidth. Regularly testing your network speeds can help you identify if slow upload and download rates are causing your network issues.

How to Check for WiFi Dead Zones

If you’re experiencing slow internet in certain areas of your home or office, it could be due to a WiFi dead zone. Checking for these zones can be done using a variety of tools and methods. One of the most common ways is to use a WiFi analyzer app, which provides a visual representation of your WiFi signal strength throughout your environment, helping you identify any potential dead zones.

Another approach is the manual method—simply walk around your space with your device and monitor the WiFi signal. Areas where the signal drops off or disappears entirely are likely to be dead zones. Remember, factors such as thick walls, floors, and electronic appliances can interfere with your signal and create these problematic areas.

How to Troubleshoot Your Connection

If your internet is still slow after checking for all possible causes, it’s time to troubleshoot your connection. You can start by rebooting your modem and router, as this can often solve connectivity issues. If that doesn’t work, you can try resetting your network settings or using a wired connection instead of WiFi.

When all else fails, you may need to consider upgrading your hardware. If your device, modem, or router is outdated, it may not be capable of handling higher speeds. These steps can often resolve the most common causes of slow network speeds.

When It’s Time to Notify Your IT Department

If you’ve exhausted all troubleshooting options and your internet is still slow, it’s time to notify your IT department or seek out professional IT services from an outside company. They will be able to perform more advanced troubleshooting and identify any network issues that may be causing the slow speeds. They can also help you upgrade your network if needed.

Don’t Let a Slow Network Connection Hold You Back

Dealing with slow internet speeds can be so frustrating, since it limits your productivity and efficiency. 

With these ideas, you can determine what is making the internet slow down so you can know how to solve it. You can also seek professional help for your business from an IT Company to get real solutions that work for you.