IT Services for Education 

Quality IT services are essential for protecting students data. Thats why choosing the best IT provider for your Alabama school is crucial.

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Recent events and technological advancements mean education is more reliant on the internet than ever before. Alabama schools should embrace this by choosing IT services that understand all the risks and implications of distance learning.


Why Managed Services Are Essential For Education 

Whether students choose online classes for advanced degrees or need distance learning to stay safe, education and the internet now go hand in hand. This comes with its own set of risks with security and performance.


Schools collect a lot of information on students, from personal identifiers to financial information. To hackers and thieves, this is a veritable gold mine. To keep your Alabama school system safe from cyberattacks, you need a quality IT department. 

The right MSP for Alabama educators stays ahead of the latest cybersecurity tactics, as would-be attackers are constantly evolving their strategies. Prevent identity theft and keep your student’s and staff’s data safe with our team of veteran IT specialists.



Online classes don’t always run on the typical 9-5. For midnight assignments or extended office hours, you need to make sure your learning environment is always accessible. We have industry-leading data centers and cloud-based communication services that keep the lights on in your online classroom no matter when your students are there.


IT Support

In the event of a system issue, you can’t wait for an IT team to clock in the next day. That’s why we have support staff on-call 24/7 every day. No matter your needs, you’ll always be able to reach a live human to help your system get back to running smoothly.


IT Services We Offer Alabama Educators

  • Security: We help you safeguard the personal data of all your students and staff with modern cybersecurity solutions. As cybercrime evolves, so do we, and we’ll proactively monitor and stop attacks on your systems.


  • Industry-Leading Data Centers: For next-level security, connectivity, and performance, we can provide the data centers to host your online classes. We use top-of-the-line hardware with quality environmental controls and multiple security measures to keep your data safe and in compliance with all privacy regulations.


  • Cloud Hosting: A flexible and scalable hosting option, our hosted servers offer unmatched accessibility and reliability. Cloud servers offer a more stable option to on-site hosting by drawing from a network of servers. This means you have a faster network at your disposal with none of the downtime.


  • Managed Networks: For a complete package that takes all the IT work off your hands, our managed networks are the solution. We’ll work with you to create a personalized IT package that’s right for your school, and that scales up or down with the size of your classrooms.


  • Phone Services: Stay in touch with your colleagues and class all the time with our VoIP Phone Services. Reliable, secure, and scalable communications are possible, from one-on-one calls during office hours to larger classroom meetings. And with cloud hosting, you won’t need to spend money on extra hardware.


  • Round-the-Clock Support: For tech support at your service at any time, we have the IT Help Desk. We offer remote, real-time help for any problem no matter the time of day.


Fresh Managed IT: The Best MSP for Alabama Education

Set up a meeting with our team today, and we’ll help you put together the best plan for your school’s IT needs.

Problems we solve

"My IT provider is slow and unresponsive"

"I honestly don’t know what my IT provider is doing for me"

"Our network is constantly going down"

"We’ve outgrown our current IT provider"

"We always seem to have IT problems"

"We don’t have a cybersecurity plan"

"My IT guy is leaving"

Do any of these describe you?
If so, please give us a call or schedule a meeting using the form below.

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